Positive Intelligence: Unlock your Potential

A 5-Part Positive Intelligence Training Series for Business Leaders

Welcome to our 5-part video training series on Positive Intelligence designed for business leaders like you! Over the course of this series, we'll delve into the concept of Positive Intelligence and demonstrate how it can improve your leadership skills, foster stronger relationships, and lead to greater success in your business endeavors.

The goal is for you to watch the videos in a sequential manner while taking notes on the different exercises. Feel free to create your PQ Plan using the templates located at the bottom of each page. The link to the book is also available.

Video 1: Positive Intelligence and You

Our first video will introduce you to the benefits of Positive Intelligence, explaining how this concept can help both you and your business. You'll gain insight into the scientific basis of Positive Intelligence and discover how it can assist you in becoming a more effective and successful leader.

Video 2: Understanding your PQ Saboteurs

In our second video, we'll explore the impact of your PQ Saboteurs – the negative thinking patterns that may be holding you back from reaching your true potential. By recognizing these Saboteurs, you'll be able to change your perspective and develop more positive habits.

Video 3: Strategies for building your PQ

The third video will present you with effective strategies for improving your PQ and cultivating a positive and resilient mindset. You'll learn practical exercises and techniques that will help you overcome limiting beliefs and develop a growth-oriented outlook.

Video 4: Build your PQ Sage Powers

In our fourth video, we'll guide you through the process of building your PQ Sage – the positive inner voice that can keep you focused and motivated. You'll discover how to develop your Sage and harness its power to accomplish greater success.

Video 5: Build your PQ Plan

Finally, in the fifth and final video, we'll help you create your personalized PQ Plan. This plan will assist you in setting realistic goals and creating a roadmap for achieving your full potential.



Shirzad Chamine, in his New York Times bestselling book and Stanford lectures, has introduced the concept of PQ or Positive Intelligence Quotient. This measure determines one's mental fitness based on research conducted with 500,000 participants from 50 countries. Being physically fit allows you to climb steep hills with ease, without experiencing physical stress. In the same way, being mentally fit enables you to handle life's significant challenges without mental stress, frustration, or negative emotions. Take this test to evaluate your mental fitness level by gauging the strength of your positive mental muscles in contrast to the negative ones.
The voices in your head that trigger negative emotions and influence your reactions to life's daily challenges are called Saboteurs. These Saboteurs are patterns in your mind that are automatic in how you think, feel, and respond. They are the source of all your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They obstruct your performance, well-being, and relationships. Don't hesitate and trust your initial instincts when answering the test. You don't need to worry about being consistent or duplicating responses when encountering comparable or overlapping questions.
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