Grade Your Website

I recently stumbled across a great resource for getting a benchmark on your website.

It a free service from called “Marketing Grader” and you’ll find it at 

What I liked most about Marketing Grader is that it completes a comprehensive scan of your website, rates it in 3 key areas and then provides you with a range of actions and strategies too help you improve the marketing ability of your site. You can also compare your website to competitors or colleagues. It gives you an overall rating out of 100 points so you can see the impact of any changes you make.

The report is broken down into 3 key areas:

top of the funnel – reviews your activities designed to attract visitors to your site
middle of the funnel – once you have visitors – “how do you treat them?”
analytics – What do your stats tell you about your website

Each area is again broken down into some key sections and addresses issues such as Blogs, SEO and Social Media. Marketing Grader provides useful stats, actions to fix at the issue and links to resources that may help.

For a free service, this is excellent.

So – take the plunge. Go to enter your URL and email address and it will run a free Diagnostic Report.

Take notice of the feedback and use it to ensure that your website is covering the basics.


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